Friday 6 March 2015


Is 'espaliered' a verb?
All along the allotment:

There is clear evidence in mid February that plot owners are emerging from hibernation and doing things (to their ground).

Now is also the time of year to enjoy the old seed heads, seed pods and desiccated leaves of some large plants that have not been consigned to the compost or heap.  Some thin and wasted plants still stand proud in various brunette shades like a hair colour chart in the hairdresser.

The counterpoints to la saison derniere  are the shoots on the fruit trees that are espalier-ed against various frames and supports. One small tree delicately trussed against a frame of scaffolding caught my eye.

I made a drawing of old and new and inadvertently upset my inkpot on the grass, which I hope, will be washed away before the transgression is perceived. 

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