Friday 21 May 2021


The Laugharne Diaries will record one man’s journey to ingratiate himself within the community and surrounding areas of Laugharne. 

Off-beat but never off-colour this is an affectionate record of high, lows and enchanting places. When Tim grows up he hopes to be Welsh.

As I write this I am in the badlands of Buckinghamshire. Next week, on Wednesday we return to Wales for another 10 days. We have settled in a remarkable town and becoming friends with remarkable people. 


It is rather like standing on the edge of a new life, when somebody is saying to you “Hey, would you like a new life?"

And you say 'Yes please, that would be nice, thank you’


I think I really know the difference between living in a place and loving a place. There is so much ahead of us, probably most of it will be strange. Yet there is so much to see, enjoy and stub one’s toe on.

Located on the edge of a new life.


Every nook and cranny seems to have a story. Nobody ‘does’ topographical desolation, and piles of enthralling rubbish better than the Welsh. 


Everybody seems to know everybody else. People stand on the street and talk to one another for hours. Jan Morris said that it only takes two people in Wales to form a fully-fledged debating society!

Just down the road.

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